Q: How does booking an appointment work?
A: All clients must fill out an appointment request form. When we receive yours, we will forward your request to the appropriate artist for review. Once the artist(s) takes a look, we will get back to you via email with more information regarding rates and availability. We try to respond to requests as quickly as possible, but if you haven't gotten a response in 3+ weeks, please do reach out.
Q: How do I explain my tattoo idea properly?
A: The best way to convey your idea is to give us the theme or subject of your project, your preferred style, general size, and whether you want color or black and grey. Sending reference or inspiration photos helps us get a general idea of your personal taste in tattoos.
Q: What if I don't know which artist I want to work with?
A: When filling out your appointment request form, you can select "No Preference/Open to Recommendations" on the drop-down menu under "Artist". We will assess your tattoo idea and forward your request to the artist we feel would be the best fit for your project.
Q: Will I see a mock-up of the design before I come in for my appointment?
A: To protect their work, our artists do not send out designs ahead of time. If you want to make any small changes to your design the day of your appointment, your artist can work with you on those. We are more than happy to schedule a consultation ahead of your tattoo appointment so that you can meet with your artist and discuss specific details, questions or concerns.
The Day of Your Appointment
Q: Can I use numbing cream prior to/during my appointment?
A: It's best to check with us or your artist about the use of numbing cream. Some artists prefer their clients not to use numbing cream as it affects how well the skin takes the ink.
Q: How should I prepare for my appointment?
A: Wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the area to be tattooed, and arrive well-fed and hydrated. Bring whatever you need to be comfortable for your tattoo session! Phone chargers, neck pillows, and headphones often come in handy, especially for long appointments. We even have a kitchenette you can use if you want to bring a snack or meal with you.
Q: Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?
A: Yes, you may bring one guest with you to your appointment. We ask that clients and guests of clients are mindful of our working artists and keep unnecessary noise to a minimum.
Shop Policies
Q: Do you accept Venmo/CashApp/PayPal?
A: Yes, we accept Venmo, CashApp and PayPal. Please check with your artist for their preferred method. We also accept cash and all credit cards. All card transactions are subject to a 5% fee.
Q: Do you have financing available?
A: Yes, we have financing available! If you are interested in financing your tattoo project, we will gladly provide more information upon receiving your tattoo request.
Q: What if I need to cancel my appointment?
A: Please CALL the shop at 267-332-0490 at least 48 hours prior to your appointment if you need to cancel or reschedule. Any reschedules or cancellations made within 48 hours of your appointment will result in the loss of your deposit.
If you have any questions for us that are not answered here, please call or text us at 267-332-0490.
Q: How does booking an appointment work?
A: All clients must fill out an appointment request form. When we receive yours, we will forward your request to the appropriate artist for review. Once the artist(s) takes a look, we will get back to you via email with more information regarding rates and availability. We try to respond to requests as quickly as possible, but if you haven't gotten a response in 3+ weeks, please do reach out.
Q: How do I explain my tattoo idea properly?
A: The best way to convey your idea is to give us the theme or subject of your project, your preferred style, general size, and whether you want color or black and grey. Sending reference or inspiration photos helps us get a general idea of your personal taste in tattoos.
Q: What if I don't know which artist I want to work with?
A: When filling out your appointment request form, you can select "No Preference/Open to Recommendations" on the drop-down menu under "Artist". We will assess your tattoo idea and forward your request to the artist we feel would be the best fit for your project.
Q: Will I see a mock-up of the design before I come in for my appointment?
A: To protect their work, our artists do not send out designs ahead of time. If you want to make any small changes to your design the day of your appointment, your artist can work with you on those. We are more than happy to schedule a consultation ahead of your tattoo appointment so that you can meet with your artist and discuss specific details, questions or concerns.
The Day of Your Appointment
Q: Can I use numbing cream prior to/during my appointment?
A: It's best to check with us or your artist about the use of numbing cream. Some artists prefer their clients not to use numbing cream as it affects how well the skin takes the ink.
Q: How should I prepare for my appointment?
A: Wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the area to be tattooed, and arrive well-fed and hydrated. Bring whatever you need to be comfortable for your tattoo session! Phone chargers, neck pillows, and headphones often come in handy, especially for long appointments. We even have a kitchenette you can use if you want to bring a snack or meal with you.
Q: Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?
A: Yes, you may bring one guest with you to your appointment. We ask that clients and guests of clients are mindful of our working artists and keep unnecessary noise to a minimum.
Shop Policies
Q: Do you accept Venmo/CashApp/PayPal?
A: Yes, we accept Venmo, CashApp and PayPal. Please check with your artist for their preferred method. We also accept cash and all credit cards. All card transactions are subject to a 5% fee.
Q: Do you have financing available?
A: Yes, we have financing available! If you are interested in financing your tattoo project, we will gladly provide more information upon receiving your tattoo request.
Q: What if I need to cancel my appointment?
A: Please CALL the shop at 267-332-0490 at least 48 hours prior to your appointment if you need to cancel or reschedule. Any reschedules or cancellations made within 48 hours of your appointment will result in the loss of your deposit.
If you have any questions for us that are not answered here, please call or text us at 267-332-0490.